New Project: Outside Shoot


Seraphim finished putting the final touches to her latest still-life project, this morning. Well, it started as a still-life project, but kind of evolved into Seri making herself another home! There’s way too much detail to capture in a single shoot, so she started with shooting the outside, first…


… with so much time to do this project, Seri was able to really rummage through her inventory, and find lots of her old treasures…


… as well as spend time finding new treasures at the gacha market, and on MP…


… the sleeping bambi, and the lilac chainsaw were her two most expensive gacha-resale purchases, both ‘rares’, both really beautiful works of art…


… she’s really enjoyed this project, as always. It forced her to take a lot of stuff back into her inventory, at home, because she was getting too near the limit of her prim allotment, would not, actually, have been able to complete this build, if she hadn’t deleted/taken back, hundreds of prims. Although she really dislikes taking stuff down, it always makes her feel refreshed, it’s a good exercise in non-attachment… though there are a lot of things she simply couldn’t imagine EVER becoming non-attached to, like her 134 prim Pegasus Alteran Stargate!…


… Seri could happily move into this house, now…


… she loves it. Several things in this build, like her ‘Hungry Yule Cats’, she moved from other places on her property, one in particular, the house she built for her and Zoey, which has been almost totally unused since she built it. She’s just about worked up the determination to pull it down, as she needs to free up the prims, but, she also needs to move on…


… which she is, slowly, but surely, doing…


… so, the tour of the outside brings us…


… up on the back porch…


… to the back door. The next photo-tour will take us inside (:


New Project; Day 4


Seraphim has spent the large amount of another day, working on her new project… it’s not work, at all, because she loves it so much. A big part of these projects, for her, often involves sourcing awesome gacha… but the lag that is usually present at the gacha resale sims, was mind-numbingly horrific, yesterday, when she attempted to shop, there. She was delighted, today, when a notice popped up in her Firestorm Support Group feed, saying there would be a tutorial about lag, at 3pm… it was 2:30pm at the time… and she zapped over to her first ever Firestorm tutorial (she’s never usually online during week days, so has never had the chance, before)… there were two other avi’s there, so it sure wasn’t crowded. Anyway, what she learned, enabled her to go to the gacha sim… and experience barely ANY lag! It was GLORIOUS! She promptly spent a few thousand Lindens on awesome stuff…


… Pandume, who is also online much more in these locked-down times, is working on improvements to her own place, just up the road from Seraphim. She popped over to see how Seri was getting on with her new project, and gave a very favourable report. Seraphim pointed out some of her favourite additions…


… and showed Pandume the front porch, which she feels is almost done. In fact, she thinks one more day of fine tuning should complete this project. Another thing Seraphim does a lot of, during these projects, is perusing Market Place… if she sees gacha she likes at the resale sims, she checks to see if it’s cheaper on MP, often saving hundreds of Lindens. She also looks at random things she thinks might work, so she’s looking at MP way more than usual. Last night, she saw something that astounded her, and she thought she would share it with you guys… someone on MP is selling an ugly sofa set (admittedly full-perms) for… L$139,000! Seraphim has NEVER seen anything that expensive on MP. She told Pandume, and Pandume said she hoped that money got you an RL sofa as part of the price.

New Project; Day 3


Seraphim has been spending hours and hours happily pottering with her latest project…


… unlike all her previous ‘still life’ installations, which have not really been representative of anywhere Seri would live, this one has, by itself, become quite evocative of Seri’s own ‘style’…


… it wasn’t deliberate, just happened.

Hanging with Pandume


Seraphim and Pandume were hanging out at each others places, today, when Seri suddenly remembered it was the deadline for collecting her stuff from her unit in the ‘100 Levels’ project, in Kowloon… still dressed in her redecorating clothes, Seri asked Pandume if she wanted to come, too. Pandume did, so they zapped over to the unit, and Seraphim took everything back, leaving her beautiful landscape painting for last. ‘Isn’t this amazing?’ she asked Pandume… ‘Yes, it’s pretty’ replied Pandume…


… this wasn’t quite the answer Seraphim had expected, and she smilingly asked her friend ‘You aren’t really into art, are you, sweetheart?’ Pandume admitted she wasn’t really all that into it, no… and got a bit of a lecture from Seraphim the passionate artist about how MOST people she met weren’t into art, either, but it was ok, she was used to it. Seraphim then said ‘But, how about them RedSox, eh!?’ and Pandume replied ‘Go sports team! Score all the goal units!’ and the two fell about laughing. Seraphim asked Pandume if she’d been to Kowloon, before, and Pandume said she hadn’t…


… something Seri knew had to instantly be remedied! Pandume was suitably impressed, and the two friends wandered off to explore…


… loitering in seedy places…


… and dark alleyways…


… and they both found cool, ridiculously cheap stuff to buy in this strange, beautiful slice of Asian weirdness that is the wonderful, seamy world of Kowloon.


New Project; Day 2


Seraphim’s human’s country, an island nation of 5 million people, went into total lockdown, 3 days ago, for at least 4 weeks, due to the covid-19 virus… the human must stay home, unless going to the supermarket, or walking/biking for exercise. Seraphim finds herself in a strangely parallel situation, only, it’s not a virus causing her to self-isolate, it’s the appalling lag in SL, making going anywhere a miserable experience. Seraphim’s human has told her it’s not just SL, everything on the net seems to be running slower, no doubt due to the millions and millions of people, worldwide, under lockdown, and turning to the net for amusement, distraction and, of course, for those lucky enough to have the option, work…


… it’s the beginning of Autumn in the human’s country, the human is snuggled up inside, being creative, while outside, the temperature is dropping, it’s dark, windy, and raining… likewise, Seri is cosy in front of the fire in her amazing, free house, enjoying placing some of her gorgeous stuff, to create a cosy, new world in her own back yard (:

New Project


Seraphim doesn’t know about the rest of you, but, recently, the lag across ALL of SL, has been HORRENDOUS… she has decided to stay at home, and potter with a new ‘still life’ project. For this project, she’s going to outfit this amazing house she got for FREE from Trompe Loeil


… not only did she get a free house, but she got this free lounge suite there, too… these things are no longer for sale, for nothing, there, but there are another house (an A-frame), and furniture, there, for free. Seraphim has no words for how fucking wonderful she finds it, that this creator is GIVING this amazing stuff away… and, it’s not just nasty rubbish, like so much free stuff in SL is, it’s very high quality, beautiful stuff!…


… Miss Panny (Pandume), as Zoey used to call her, before Zoey vanished from Seraphim’s life, came over, to see what Seri was up to… her cute, winged-demon self was Seri’s first visitor to her new project.


The Lost Unicorn Gallery


Seraphim has hardly visited any galleries for at least a year, more like two… and, suddenly, she’s visited two in a few days! Today she visited The Lost Unicorn Gallery


… she was very impressed. The gallery is beautifully decorated, and the art, which is all fantasy art, is very good… it’s easy for this genre of art to be cliched, but almost all the images on display, here, were above-average works…


… and beautifully large…


… Seraphim can’t remember when she last saw so many excellent works in a single gallery…


… she thoroughly enjoyed wandering around this large space…


… and found the range of works delightful…


… none of them appeared to be for sale…


… but, if they had been, this is the kind of place where, a few years ago, Seraphim would have blown a small fortune!

Frame Not Included


Seraphim visited the Monocle Man Gallery, today. She seldom visits galleries, any more…


… those of you who have known Seri for a long time will remember she used to have a huge gallery, housing her equally huge collection of art by SL artists. Seraphim loves art, and loved collecting SL art, which she did, prolifically, for 8 years, spending tens of thousands of L$’s on her collecting…


… she did it, not only because she loves art, but to support SL art/artists… she had several favourite artists who charged thousands of lindens for each and every painting, Seraphim bought them all, even when she could barely afford to…


… she eventually had to admit to herself, that perhaps only 1 or 2 of these artists she was supporting, EVER contacted her, to say thank you…


… not only that, when she eventually met some of them, their self-entitled arrogance appalled her, not to mention that some of them literally talked down to her, as though they were her superiors…


… she seldom goes to the galleries of these people, any more, and seldom buys SL art.


Dya’s Abandoned Vacation Spot

Dya's Abandoned Vacation Spot1

Seraphim visited Dya’s Abandoned Vacation Spot, today… the place was fairly packed, snuggling couples and wandering explorers everywhere, she’s not used to those kind of numbers when she explores, she’s also not into de-rendering other avi’s, so it was a bit tricky getting good angles for good shots, but, she managed. The place has very nice, broody beach scenes…

Dya's Abandoned Vacation Spot2

… there’s an inland element, of bucolic lanes…

Dya's Abandoned Vacation Spot3

… but it was the shore scenes that Seri liked…

Dya's Abandoned Vacation Spot4

… a lovely feel of odd emptiness, that post-apocalyptic-event feel that SL creators do so well…

Dya's Abandoned Vacation Spot5

… a delightful sombreness…

Dya's Abandoned Vacation Spot6

… a place where all manner of strangeness could have happened/be happening…

Dya's Abandoned Vacation Spot7

… birds wheeling in an odd sky, the only witnesses to where all the people went.

The Worst Lag


Seraphim has found no really photo-worthy destinations to visit, recently. She’s gone to several she would not normally have visited, because they looked better than having nowhere to go, but has not found any with more than one or two decent scenes. She decided to go back to Tralala’s Diner, again, in hopes the horrific lag she has always encountered there, might have lessened…


… on arrival, she saw that there was a new landing area…


… a beautifully textured little gazebo, with a piano…


… the lag, however, was instantly so horrendous, she couldn’t even turn from one side of the room, to look at the other, without it becoming a major exercise in guessing how many times to click the arrow key, without the end result being facing where she started from… it took multiple efforts just to get out the door, having to get exactly lined up with it, then even getting out it, while it was open, before it closed in her face, due to the lag. Taking the picture she wanted was also nearly impossible, because the lag effected her camera, too… she gave up just after she actually managed to get out the door. Tralala is a beautiful place, a photographers dream, but it is also THE most laggy sim Seraphim has ever visited, which just destroys any enjoyment in visiting it, sadly.